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Seasoned lawn-lovers know that the key to having a beautiful lawn free of crabgrass, all starts with a timely application of a quality pre-emergent! There are different schools of thought, but generally in the midwest, April is the crucial time to apply your pre-emergent; specifically prior to soil temperatures of about 55º. Liquid applications of pre-emergents are what we promote, as liquid provides the most even coverage possible! Consider applying your own pre-emergent to garden beds and landscaped area; preventing weeds is always best!
Remember, always read and follow the label
TIP: Use a hose-end sprayer to apply a liquid pre-emergent herbicide. Check out this DIY video on YouTube
Fact: No truly solid evidence has been found, proving that aeration affects the efficacy of pre-emergents.
Feel free to aerate before OR after your application!
The two most widely used pre-emergents on the market are prodiamine (brand name Barricade®) and dithiopyr (Dimension®). Both are great options (and generics are available) but just know prodiamine is yellow in color and can stain concrete. Generally, Dimension® is a good choice if you are late in applying your pre-emergent application, as it has SOME post-emergent affect on crabgrass when used at the full label rate.
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