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Four Step Program

We believe using the highest quality products always deliver the best results! Simply put, we strive to use the best available systems and products on the market, in order to achieve the best possible results for our customers. As a result, we're able to reach beyond the status quo delivered by most lawn treatment companies. We don't mow, trim or landscape, but we have one focus: our goal is to partner with you, and keep your lawn green and weed-free with the fewest possible applications per season. That saves you money and is better for our environment too!

Step 1: Spring is the time when your lawn is just starting to wakeup from winter. In a sense, your lawn is hungry so we start with a premium slow releaser fertilizer rich in turf useable nitrogen and we blend that with a special micro-nutrient mix for turf grass. This includes: iron (for a deep green color, but without a surge of over-growth), manganese (green color, root development & health) and zinc (overall grass health) While encouraging all this grass to grow, we are also stopping weeds from invading by applying a quality liquid, crabgrass pre-emergent herbicide. There is also a broadleaf herbicide applied for dandelions and other early season broadleaf weeds.

Step 2: In June or July, grass starts to naturally slow its growth as temperatures rise and this is the optimal time of year to preventatively treat for grubs in your lawn. If we don't address grubs at this point (when they're closest to the soil surface) your lawn is in jeopardy of being dug up by moles, opossums and skunks (all of which love eating grubs!) Grubs will quietly eat away at your lawn's root system until one day you'll notice dead grass patches. Other than treating for grubs, at the very same time, we apply slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, the micro-nutrient blend mentioned previously, a reapplication of pre-emergent and spot spraying for any broadleaf weeds. We will also check for any signs of stress or disease and prepare a plan to stop any further damage. 

Step 3: Towards the end of summer when temperatures cool off, your grass will start to work its way through the stresses of the summer heat! By this time your yard will show any areas that need extra attention. This may be hard, compacted soil areas, thin grass from heat and drought or damage from insects or fungus. We will apply an adequate rate of the slow release nitrogen fertilizer as well as micronutrients to help the grass recover. This will also be around the optimal time to Aerate and Overseed. While we recommend everyone to aerate, especially during hot and dry years like we've had recently, if there is any thin areas we strongly recommend overseeding as well.


Step 4: When the leaves are starting to change colors and the temperatures are dropping that is the best time to tackle any tough weeds such as Clover, Creeping Charlie and Wild Violet. This is why, along with the slow release fertilizer and micronutrients, we are applying a stronger broadleaf herbicide to tackle those weeds.  This application helps the lawn prepare for the harshness of winter by letting it absorb one last shot of nutrients before dormancy. 


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